Olympiad with Real International Standards

Launchpad LLC in collaboration with Cambridge English, launches the first of its kind International Olympiad program to set the benchmarks and achievements for students, in true global scale.

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Launchpad Olympiad

Launchpad Olympiad

The Launchpad International Olympiad movement is aimed at bringing the most talented K2-12 students of the world together to identify their innate strengths in logical thinking, Reasoning ability, Computational thinking, Language, Mathematics, Physical Science and Space science. The Launchpad International Olympiad rankings and achievements not only help the students to benchmark their abilities; rather, they provide a stimulus to begin a career in computing, science or mathematics and to undertake a clear path of exciting intellectual challenges.

Much like the Olympics in sports, the Launchpad International Olympiads marks the pinnacle of intellectual capability showcased to the world. The Launchpad International Olympiad programmes have aimed at not just the international events, but have also served as national channels to enrich school educational curriculum. We have separate streams of challenges for students from different linguistic background, therein offering a more equitable solution for all.

Olympiad Exam Preparation with Launchpad LLC



This is an assessment of ability and not a boasting board exam. So, There is no previous year paper nor repeat tests. This is a test of your individuality. Customise your test based on your capability - Let the David's beat the Goliaths.



Get your achievements known to the world. We publish the leader board for every city and state and country and reaches to all our partner groups globally.

Reports & Analysis

Reports & Analysis

In-depth reports customised for each individual- With clear gap analysis, achievement track, result analysis and dashboard for quick access with sharing option.