Career Counselling

Choose the best career suited for you, chosen by you

AI powered career engine | Decision Tree Model | Domain Fitment | Gap Analysis | Career videos | Skill Requirements | 28 Sectors | 240 career descriptions | Career progressions | Sector Reports | Expert talks

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Career Guidance & Psychometric Assessment

Expert services & support in the career guidance process - Choosing the right course



  • Reflect on your intrinsic skills and build your career
  • Launchpad LLC brings you 360 degree view of careers across sectors with detailed insights
  • Insights on careers , skills required, career growth chart, courses to be taken and details about the Institutions.
  • We also bring you the insider story of each job & career from people working in the industry at different level, to give you a clear perspective.

Our student career guidance works in three models- guidance based on your skills, guidance based on aspirations and combination of skills and aspirations.



  • 97% of the professionals face the challenging task of choosing the right path within 5 yrs of work experience and only 4 in 1000 take the decision based on research & foresight.
  • Launchpad LLC brings in insights from the Industry with sectoral growth and opportunities and help the professionals choose the right sector and right career shift at the right time.
  • A marque assessment tool, clubbed with personality based trait identification, our smart AI engine, suggest the best career path.
  • What more- We curate a one-one chat with an industry expert , before you take the next big move.

Corporates & Institutions

  • Launchpad LLC offers customized psychometric assessment tools and administer them for the corporates to help them in hiring the right candidate, suitable for the organization culture. Managerial personality trait tool and technocrat tool are the most sought after assessments from our stable.
  • We help schools and colleges in offering a detailed career guidance program- assessment, one-one counselling, career seminars and workshops for parents and help the institution to offer holistic approach towards their wards growth.